
At De Ruiter’s Bakkerij, we believe it is important that website visitors know which cookies our website places, for which it is used and how long it is stored. We want to safeguard your online privacy and, of course, the user-friendliness of our website as much as possible. You can therefore read more about the various cookies we use on our website and all information pertaining to these cookies in our cookie statement.  

What are cookies?  
Cookies are small text files which are placed on computer, tablet or smartphone during your visit to a website. Information is stored about your website visit in these text files. The information stored therein is immediately recognized on a repeat visit and also remembers your preferences and interests. Our website places:  

  1. Functional cookies  
  1. Analytical cookies  
  1. Social media cookies. 

Your choices  
Of course, you are at liberty to switch off the cookies. However, you should be aware that if you do not want any cookies, we cannot guarantee that our website works completely. The following explains how you can switch off the cookies for the 4 most common browsers:  

1. Functional cookies  
Functional cookies are cookies which are technically necessary for the functioning of our website and make the use of our website easier. The navigation on the website also becomes easier and your settings and/or preferences of the website are remembered.  

Name of cookie  Function of cookie  Retention time of cookie  
ASP_NET_Sessionld  Standard cookie with which you are recognized by the server during your session. Also ensures  
a proper functioning of the website.  

2. Analytical cookies  
Analytical cookies are cookies which are used to collect statistics about how visitors use our website. The insights which we acquire with this, help us to improve the website. For this we make use of the following services:  
Google Analytics: This gives us insight in how you, as website visitor, make use of our website, which pages are visited most and what is clicked within the website. We have concluded a processing agreement with Google. This means that you data is shared in anonymous form, that this cannot be traced back to you and that your data also cannot be used by third parties.  

Name of cookie  Function of cookie  Retention time of  cookie  
_utma  Distinguish users and sessions and generates  statistics about website traffic in this manner.  2 years  
__utmb  Determines new sessions and visits and generates  statistics about website traffic in this manner.  30 minutes  
__utmc  Determines new sessions and visits and generates  statistics about website traffic in this manner.  Session  
__utmt  Processes user requests and generates  statistics about website traffic in this manner.  10 minutes  
__utmv  Store variable data adjusted to visitor level and  generates statistics about website traffic in this manner.  2 years  
__utmz  To record the traffic source or campaign how visitors  arrived at the website.  6 months  
Name of cookie  Function of cookie  Retention time of cookie  
DSID  Helps us to analyze advertisement campaigns, optimize them and make them more attractive.  2 weeks  
IDE  Helps us to show personalized advertisements which are based on previous visits.  1 year  

Google Thanks to these cookies we can show advertisements relevant to you using the Google Doubleclick network on the basis of recent searches. If you give permission for the placement of these cookies, Google Doubleclick combines the data of Google Analytics. With this, you also give permission that the data which is recorded with Google Analytics is shared with third parties. See also with Google Analytics.  

3. Social media related cookies  
Our Facebook page is visible on our website to ensure that you as website visitor are always up to date with the latest updates. This function works by means of pieces of code which originate from Facebook. Cookies are placed by means of this code which are read by Facebook. We recommend you to regularly read through the privacy statement of Facebook to know what they do with the personal information.  

Name of cookie  Function of cookie  Retention time of cookie  
Act, c_user, datr, fr, m_pixel_ratio, presence, sb, spin, wd, xs  Cookies which are necessary for the social plug-in of Facebook.  The cookies p, presence and act are valid until the end of the session, the cookies s, c_user, fr and xs lapse in 30 days, the cookies datr and fr will lapse in 2 years.  

We also make use of social media buttons which enable you to connect with your social media network in various ways. In order for these buttons to work, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube place cookies using our website. These cookies are only placed if you are logged in during a visit to the website. It is not possible for us to trace this data to you personally. We recommend that you regularly consult the privacy and cookie statements of these networks.  

Cookies of third parties  
For the cookies of third parties we invite you to consult the privacy policy of each of these companies to know precisely what these comprise. Please note, we do not have any influence on the content of those statements, nor on the content of the cookies of those third parties. The information in the tables above is subject to change by the third parties to whom the cookies belong.  

Right of access, correction or deletion  
As website visitor you have the right to request access to and correction or deletion of your personal information. You can send a request for access, correction or deletion to [email protected]. To ensure that the request of access is yours, we request that you send along a copy of your identity card. De Ruiter’s Bakkerij will respond to your request within four weeks. Whenever it concerns access to personal information, linked to a cookie, you need to send along a copy of the cookie in question. You can find this in the settings of your browser.  

Our cookie statement may be adjusted at any time because of continuous developments. We therefore recommend that you regularly read through the cookie statement so you are up to date. If you have any questions about our cookie statement, then you can contact De Ruiter’s Bakkerij as follows:  

De Ruiter’s Bakkerij Ooltgensplaat B.V. 
Dorpsweg 25 
3257 LB Ooltgensplaat  
T: 0187 631 844 

This statement was last updated on 27 June 2022.